About Us
Driven by growing demands for foreign workforce, CLAB cater the needs of organizations and companies to bring in and redistributing foreign workers to various industries in Malaysia. With rapidly growing projects in construction industry, we are responsible in handling all the applications for Foreign Construction Labour.
CLAB is an organisation established in 2003 by CIDB pursuant to the decision by the Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengenai Pengambilan Pekerja Asing (JKK-PA) to bring in and redistribute foreign workers for companies or organisation in Malaysia. History behind formation of CLAB: In July 2002, 912,000 illegal foreign workers were sent back under Amnesty Program out of which 383,000 comprised from construction sector. As a result, it has brought a slow-down and disruption to completion of projects. Discussion were held between government agencies and construction associations to resolve the issues. One of the proposal was the setting up of CLAB On 16th June 2006, a paper has been approved by the JKK-PA for CLAB to be given the first right of refusal for all application of 50 and below for foreign construction workers at KHEDN One-Stop-Centre. On 19th July 2009, Decision by JKK-PA stated that all applications for Foreign Construction Labour (FCL) under 100 is managed by CLAB. In 2015 CLAB has been awarded and to manage applications for Foreign Construction Labour (FCL) above 100. On August 2022 CLAB has been awarded and given mandate to manage all of Foreign Worker in Construction Industry.

To be the preferred Facilitator and Provider for Construction Manpower in Malaysia

Delivering premium values to customers. Contributing positively by ensuring adequate skilled manpower for construction industry. Providing timely service delivery and; Nuturing a motivated and productive workforce